Economic consultancy and fiscal law
Our experience and our economic knowledge, has taken us to understand the necessity to unite legal and economic services. The solution to each concrete case has to, not only be the best one, but the one which a lesser tax cost represents. The global and complex reality has motivated a growing necessity to count with specialists in taxation, capable of designing highly efficient planning mechanisms. Therefore, our firm offers a technical and strategic service y every area of tax law.
In taxation matters, we observe the operations in the global framework of our client’s activity in order to help them make the most accurate decisions and with a minor tax cost.
- Tax planning of companies and natural persons.
- Planning of the closing of fiscal year in societies.
- Design and execution of restructuring operations; fusions, excisions and exchange of securities.
- Advice in purchase and sale of companies, society operations and businesses’ sale. Due Dilligence, economic and fiscal.
- Planning of immovable and movable goods’ sales.
- Advice on the retributions of High Offices and Administrators.
Presentation of Taxes
We manage the preparation and presentation of all kinds of taxes, state and autonomic, of sporadic or periodic character.
Tax proceeding
We are lawyers, but our accounting and economic knowledge allows us to accompany our client in any tax proceeding, from the beginning to the end, keeping a personal and personalized treatment and out commitment with result achievement.
- Representación y defensa en actuaciones de gestión, inspección y recaudación ante las distintas Administraciones Tributarias, ya sean estatales o autonómicas.
- Presentación de alegaciones, recursos de reposición, aplazamientos y fraccionamientos, solicitud de suspensión de liquidaciones.
- Presentar Recursos Económico Administrativos
- Presentar Recursos ante el Tribunal Contencioso Administrativo
International Fiscal Assistance.
Martínez de Butrón Abogados, S.L.P.keeps the same commitment and efficacy level in international assistance, both to Spanish companies in their internationalization and foreign forms in their process of investment in Spain.
- A
- Assistance, planning and design of the corporative structures most advantageous on the international level.
- Advice and planning of investments from abroad to other countries though Spanish holding societies. (ETVE).
- Fiscal planning of foreign investments in Spain and Spanish investments abroad.
- Optimization of the flows of capital gains, dividends, interests and canons.
- Advice in the fiscal impact of transnational operations.
- Advice in double imposition situations.
- International policies on transfer prices.
- Taxation of non- residents in Spain and Spanish residents abroad.
- Resolution of conflicts on shared fiscal sovereignty.
- Advice in the sphere of indirect international imposition (IVA) of transnational operations.
- Joint ventures.
- Advice in the business internationalization process.
- Residence for real estate investment.
Accounting and financial Assistance
- Accounting and financial advice
- Accounting and preparation of the countable closing.
- Preparation and presentation of the annual accounts od the society.